Kenya counter terrorism strategy pdf

The partnership for regional east africa counterterrorism preact is the u. Until september 2016, kenya was guided by its constitution and other security related laws in responding to violent extremism and terrorism. Role of national counter terrorism centre nctc in cve a multiagency instrument primarily of security agencies intended to provide a coordinating mechanism for counter terrorism. The third and final reading of the resolution based on attached. Ecowas counterterrorism strategy economic community of. Human rights, terrorism and counterterrorism ohchr. The chapter will analyze how kenya responds to terror attacks. The constitution of kenya provides an important framework for addressing the contextual, political, economic, and social factors that. The study therefore, sought to determine the effectiveness of counter terrorism strategies in kenya. Following the launch of the kenya national strategy to counter violent extremism, launched by h. Recent events in kenya signals existence of a diverse intelligence led counter terrorism strategy.

Historically, kenyas vulnerability to terrorist attacks has been associated with its. The nctc was established in law by the security law amendment act 2014, however it has existed since 2004 when it was created by a decision of the cabinet. This policy brief evaluates the content of kenyas national strategy to counter violent extremism nscve, which was launched in september 2016. Addressing kenya somalia conflict and counter terrorism strategies.

President uhuru kenyatta vowed that the plan would pool resources from government, civil society, and the private sector in support of counterterrorism efforts, and would emphasize deradicalization over military tactics. Whether or not this was actually true, both kenya and western allies such as the united states realized the importance of the aid money and resources that flowed into the country each year. Partnership for regional east africa counterterrorism preact. Although counter terrorism strategies have been placed to provide a sense of assurance that the country is secure, their effectiveness may not be easily assessed.

In 1980, the jewishowned norfolk hotel was attacked by the palestine liberation organization plo. Feb 21, 2019 the national strategy to counter violent extremism is the national document that guides different stakeholders to counter violent extremism in kenya. This horrific attack drew widespread condemnation and forced the kenyan security personnel to rethink their counter terrorism strategy. Kenya launched its national strategy to combat violent extremism in september 2016. The kenya national strategy to counter violent extremism. Strengthening communitys resilience against radicalization. National strategy and action plan for preventing and. Jun 04, 2018 counterterrorism strategy contest 2018. A handbook on reporting terrorism media council of kenya. Decides to adopt the ecowas counter terrorism strategy and implementation plan, based on an integrated approach and which elaborates a comprehensive set of measures to be undertaken by various agencies in member states and provides a strategic policy direction towards the containment and elimination of the threat posed by terrorism to the. A policy content evaluation of kenyas national strategy. Jul 06, 2017 fco and counter terrorism units in kenya. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. National strategy for combating terrorism focuses on identifying and defusing threats before they reach our borders.

Inl is a critical contributor to the preact strategy, which seeks to build strong civilian and security sector institutions, create. A diverse strategy identifies threats posed by terrorists based on typologies or generic profiles of terrorists. A policy content evaluation of kenyas national strategy to. Kenyas counter terrorism strategy strategic intelligence. Case study of kenya article pdf available in ssrn electronic journal april 2011 with 9,246 reads how we measure reads.

International and domestic terrorism pose one of the major. The federal government of somalias comprehensive approach to countering terrorism must focus on the possible causes of terrorism and the development of remedial strategies. Terrorism in kenya has affected the tourism industry. Pdf kwale county plan for countering violent extremism. This paper examines these acts of terrorism, their impact in the tourism industry, and possible ways in which kenya could counter any terrorist related activities by tailoring a crisis management strategy. In 1998, the us embassy in nairobi was bombed, as was the israeliowned paradise hotel in 2002. Hotels were almost collapsing and thousands of kenyans lost their jobs. Pdf national counterterrorism ct policies and challenges to. Support to the prevention of violent extremism in kenya. Australians are facing the most significant ongoing threat from terrorism in our nations history.

Al shabaabs ability to wage a costly terrorism campaign inside kenya aids its ambitions inside somalia. African journal of criminology and justice studies. Pdf addressing kenyasomalia conflict and counter terrorism. Alistair millar is the director of the center on global counterterrorism cooperation. We are disappointed, however, by the very limited time allowed for debate and consultation on the 2014 security laws amendment bill prior to its passage and enactment into law. Taskforce to counter violent extremism launched in nairobi. Role of security sector and civil society in responding to.

The national strategy to counter violent extremism is the national document that guides different stakeholders to counter violent extremism in kenya. Established in law by the security law amendment act, 2014. Kagwanja noted that 2015 marked a new epoch in the fight against terrorism in kenya and across the eastern african region. Pdf the republic of kenya has in its young history been the victim of four major terror. This strategy is an integral part of our national security architecture. Kenyas counterterrorism approach is floundering the. A comparative analysis of ethiopia and kenya simon nyambura introduction the contemporary international system, and particularly the horn of african subregion, is faced with enormous challenges of maintaining international peace and security. The national counter terrorism centre was established in 2004 by a decision of the cabinet. However, in recent months, the move towards soft approaches has received prominence since the development and launch of the national strategy to counter violent extremism nscve by the national counterterrorism centre nctc. This policy brief evaluates the content of kenya s national strategy to counter violent extremism nscve, which was launched in september 2016. Its creation responded to the development of a national counter terrorism strategy in april 2003 reflecting the concern of the national leadership about the sharp escalation of the terrorist threat to kenya.

While we appreciate the nature of the difficult challenge before us, our strategy is based on the belief that sometimes the most difficult tasks are accomplished by the most direct means. We join together to release australias counter terrorism strategy. Fifth special meeting of the counter terrorism committee with international, regional and subregional organizations on border security held in nairobi, kenya from 29 to 31 october 2007 analysis of. Reflecting this, in 2014 the national terrorism public alert level was, for the first time, raised to high. Global counter terrorism strategy strategy in east africa. The failure to prioritise women will hamper efforts to comprehensively address violent extremism, and will miss opportunities to engage women in preventing terrorism. Before discussing how to report on terrorism and violent extremism it is important to understand what the various terms mean. Jun 04, 2015 a diverse strategy identifies threats posed by terrorists based on typologies or generic profiles of terrorists. In response to a growing extremist threat, especially from alshabaab, kenya has adopted a largely militaristic and securityfocused approach against terrorism. The effectiveness of counter terrorism strategies in kenya. Kenya has been the scene of various attacks attributed to terrorist elements. Strategy for counterterrorism outlines how the united states will combat terrorism at home and abroad and keep america safe. Created in 2004 by a decision of the cabinet with a mandate to coordinate ct.

Kenya united nations security council counterterrorism. Kwale county plan for countering violent extremism. Pdf kenya, the united states, and counterterrorism jeremy. In that same postwestgate speech, he outlined exactly what kenyas counterterrorism strategy should be. In 20, the militant group alshabaab killed 67 people at nairobi s. The 2016 national strategy to counter violent extremism underscores the. However, for the majority of alshabaab fighters, injustices suffered at hands of kenya s security agencies was what pushed them over the edge and toward terrorism. Government is firmly committed to supporting kenyas efforts to defeat alshabaab and to ensure security of all of its citizens.

The first of its kind in kenya by human rights agenda. The 2016 national strategy to counter violent extremism underscores the importance of soft approaches, including the provision of employment opportunities and life skills to. Does our counterterrorism strategy match the threat. As such, each aspect of the strategy focuses on a unique typology of terrorists. The national counter terrorism centre nctc is a multiagency instrument primarily of security agencies built to strengthen coordination in counter terrorism. Kenyas porous borders with unstable states such as somalia and south sudan. Response congressional research service summary the united states government has implemented a range of programs to counter violent extremist threats in east africa in response to al qaedas bombing of the u.

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